Notes and Thoughts

photography Yves Vandervennet photography Yves Vandervennet

Workflow improvement - Adobe Bridge from the Finder

Adobe Lightroom is a great tool. However, at times, Adobe Bridge is very helpful for a quick inspection of a folder. I find myself wanting to look at the contents of a specific folder and look at pictures without Lightroom. Apple’s Finder is not enough as it ignores the side car files attached to raw files. Instead, Adobe Bridge’s rendering of raw files is the same as Lightroom (camera raw and side car files).

On Mac OS, this can be achieved by adding a new entry in the Finder’s contextual menu:

A new menu entry is created with the application ‘Automator’:

Script in Automator, to be run on folders from any application.

A script, as shown above, is run when the menu entry is selected. The script’s code is as follows:

declare -r SELF="$(basename $0)"
declare -r BRIDGE_VERSION="2022"
/Applications/Adobe\ Bridge\ ${BRIDGE_VERSION}/Adobe\ Bridge\ ${BRIDGE_VERSION}.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe\ Bridge\ ${BRIDGE_VERSION} "${1}" &

Adobe Bridge is running

The script makes a reference to a specific revision of Adobe Bridge, the value of BRIDGE_VERSION will have to be updated whenever the next revisions of the application are released by Adobe.

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